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  1. General provisions

    1. The website "PastVu - Retro photos of mankind's habitat habitat" (hereinafter "PastVu", the "site"), located at, is a non-commercial, private electronic resource that offers internet users who accept this agreement and the rules of the site the opportunity to post images depicting life and development of different settlements around the world and any other images that interest the user from a historical perspective and to comment on and rate the images posted. The activities of the site users must not violate the legal norms of the Russian Federation and other states to which the images published by the user as well as the user himself are related.
    2. The main purpose of the site is to collect images reflecting the life of humanity and development of different settlements of the world up to the year 2000 inclusive, as well as to unite people interested in this.
    3. "Image" is one of the following objects of visual art: photography, painting, drawing, engraving.
    4. "User" (also hereinafter referred to as "visitor", "participant", "author", "you") - any person accessing or otherwise using the website services (as a guest or registered user).
    5. "Administrator" - a person who has access to all the site management elements.
    6. "Moderator" is the person who selects and publishes incoming images and is empowered to control comments to images and on the Forum.
    7. In addition to this agreement, the site administrators may establish additional rules governing certain aspects of the use of the services provided by the site.
    8. By using the services of the site, the user accepts all clauses of this agreement, as well as all clauses of the rules, which concern the services used by the user on this site. In case of disagreement with at least one paragraph of this agreement, the user is obligated to leave the site. The fact of registration at the site of the user is the full and unconditional acceptance of this agreement. Disregard of any clauses of this agreement and rules does not exempt the user from responsibility of complying with them. Failure to comply with these terms may result in denial of access to the website's services and, in some cases, may result in civil or criminal liability under applicable law.
    9. The user is responsible for the security of his or her login and password and for anything done on the site under the user's login and password. The user is solely responsible for all information, images and other materials (hereinafter "Materials") that the user uploads, receives, transmits or otherwise makes available through the site.
    10. The user promises not to offer for publication any materials that are illegal, harmful, offensive to morality, in breach of copyright; materials that the user has no right to make available under law or under any contractual relationship, which affect any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights and/or copyright and related rights of third parties, the publication of which on the site is prohibited explicitly or implicitly by the author of these materials
    11. The user shall not use the site for uncoordinated sending and/or transmitting information of an advertising, commercial or propagandistic nature.
    12. The site administration reserves the right:
      1. Set any restrictions on the use of the site;
      2. Terminate the service user password and delete any user data in case of violation of the provisions of these terms of use;
      3. Modify this agreement and additional rules at any time;
      4. Suspend or discontinue the site's services.
    13. The administration of the site provides the user with an opportunity to create a single personal account. If the user creates more than one account, the administration reserves the right to delete the accounts created by the user and/or refuse the user to use the site.
    14. The user has no right to access any information other than the user's own information in his/her account or that provided by other users of the site, publicly available information published on the site, or information to which access has been explicitly granted by the site's administration.
    15. By placing their materials on the site, the user allows their further use free of charge by the users of the site for personal purposes, not related to commercial gain: reproduction in the memory of a computer, in the memory of a mobile cellular system, other reproduction for personal use.
    16. Any use of materials published by the user for commercial purposes is only possible with appropriate permission from the copyright holder of the specific image.
    17. Site services are provided "as is". The administration of the site is not responsible for:
      1. Relevance of the site to the user's goals and expectations;
      2. Direct or indirect damage caused to the user as a result of errors, omissions, interruptions, deletion of files, changes in functions, defects, delays in data transmission, unauthorised access to communications and/or user data due to technical failures, malicious actions or other situations;
      3. Direct or indirect damage caused to the user due to the publication of images and other materials on the site by the user or other persons;
      4. Statements or conduct of any third party on the site;
      5. Termination of the user's access to this site and its services;
      6. Materials posted, created or published by users of the site.
    18. The user is fully responsible for the safety of their login and password and for losses that may arise due to their loss or unauthorised use of their account. The administration of the site is not responsible and does not cover losses caused by unauthorised use of the login and password of the user's account by third parties. All actions performed by the visitor, logged in with the username and password of the user, are considered to be the actions of the user. The user is fully responsible for all actions performed by an authorised person on his/her behalf.
    19. The site administration is not responsible for misappropriation of other people's images and other materials by the site users (in other words, if the site user uploads someone else's images with attribution of authorship/ownership), as well as for other cases of copyright violation for materials posted by the users. However, the administrators try to monitor and stop such cases whenever possible.
    20. Any user can view and save the published images and other materials on their computer (copy to their computer). Administration under no circumstances can be held liable for further use of materials obtained from the site.
    21. These rules shall come into force on the date of their publication.
  2. Procedure for selecting and placing images

    1. The selection of images for the site is carried out by moderators. When making a decision, the moderator follows the criteria established by the administration for selecting images. The final decision to publish or reject an image is made automatically based on the opinions of several moderators.
    2. Rejected images are accompanied by an indication of the reason for rejection, which is displayed in the history of image changes in the user gallery
    3. The user has no right to expect further clarification of the reasons for rejection of the uploaded images or deletion of the published ones. However, in the case of unlawful, in their opinion, actions of a moderator, the user can write a complaint to the administration at
    4. By submitting your images for inclusion on the website, you transfer to the website your non-exclusive proprietary rights to them (the right to make public or allow public disclosure of the image in any form) for any non-commercial use of the images within the website. All manipulations with the images legally (at the author's request, with the author's consent) published on the site, such as transferring to other sections, removal from the site, etc., are the exclusive prerogative of the administration and those authorized by the administration. Withdrawal of images from the site is not desirable, removal in this case is made only when there are valid reasons.
  3. Criteria for selecting images

    1. We are interested in images that reflect the history of the place and society with the exception of:
      1. Low-quality images, when it is not clear what is shown in the picture
      2. Family photos, portraits of people and animals without clear attribution to the location (except for genre scenes that convey the spirit of the era)
      3. Which dimensions are less than 700 pixels along the larger side (margins, if any, do not count).
      4. With large size (more than 10% of the image area) copyrights and non-original captions,
      5. Photographs taken after the year 2000 and other images created after 1980;
      6. Over 50 megabytes in size;
      7. Small size/low quality, enlarged in a graphic editor to 700 pixels or more;
      8. Images of museum and exhibition exhibits (paintings, sculptures, models, machines, engineering systems, mechanisms, automotive and motor vehicles and similar objects);
    2. Images without coordinates are accepted into the "Where is it?" section if the user specifies the minimum information about the shooting point:
      1. For images of urban environment - country of shooting
      2. For images of separate architectural objects, buildings, landscapes, non-architectural objects - country, region, nearest settlement.
    3. Pages from newspapers, magazines, and other publications where an image accompanies text (except for the title of the photo) will be rejected. The image should be uploaded separately from the text, and the text, if it is important and is a description of the image, should be given in the description field. The text printed (written) over the image should not be deleted - moderators will decide on each such photo separately.
    4. "Joining" of photos taken from different points and/or directions will be rejected. "Joining" of photos taken at different times will also be rejected.
    5. Pictures in which the faces of the persons depicted are blurred, "cut out", replaced by ovals or otherwise altered will be considered deliberately defaced and not eligible for publication on the site. If the user does not want to show his/her face, faces of his/her relatives or acquaintances - he/she should refrain from publishing such photos.
    6. Users uploading images are not expected to intentionally "age" images or remove any details that clearly identify the image as post-2000. Such actions cannot be called anything other than intentional falsification. In case such an act is detected, the falsified images will be deleted immediately.
  4. Text content

    1. Text posted in comments to the images and in the Forum (hereinafter "Messages") serve to discuss the images and other information posted by users on the site.
    2. Messages are prohibited to include:
      1. Personal and public insults, pointing out and discussing physical and mental aspects of any site user, as well as personas in the images, including political figures (with no time limits);
      2. Statements that explicitly or implicitly incite racial, national and/or religious discord and intolerance, as well as hurt the religious, national and other feelings of any visitor to the site;
      3. Use of obscene (profane) words and expressions, as well as symbols to replace them.
    3. Any opinion posted is the personal opinion of the visitor. Posts on behalf of any group of people (nation, nationality) or state are not permitted unless the speaker is explicitly authorised to do so.
    4. It is not allowed to publish deliberately false messages aimed at misleading site visitors.
    5. No personal correspondence is allowed. Use email for this purpose.
    6. It is not allowed to publish messages that have little meaning and carry no useful information ("flooding"), including:
      1. Messages like "+1", "I agree", "I see", etc.; a stream of messages of short phrases that can be combined into one and sent as one message;
      2. Highlighting the number of images the user has on the site according to some criteria;
      3. Information about the location of users or persons in the images;
      4. Comments aimed solely at attracting users' attention to their images, including the unjustified use of comments instead of the "Note" field when uploading.
    7. Political and ideological discussions are forbidden on the site. Active participants and provocateurs of such discussions are put on indefinite premoderation.
    8. Links to third-party sites with restricted access (e.g. requiring registration to view them) are not permitted in the text of messages.
    9. In order to avoid duplicating of discussions, before writing a message, it is recommended to read earlier discussions on the given topic, at least - to look through other discussions within the same section, as well as to use search engines (Yandex, Google). In case of systematic duplication of discussions penalties are applied to the user.
    10. It is recommended to reply in the same language as the original message, unless otherwise indicated by the author of the original message.
    11. Moderators have the right to delete any posts without giving a reason.
    12. For violation of paragraphs 4.1-4.10 the user may be subject to penalties in the form of pre-moderation of messages or transfer to read mode for a limited period or indefinitely.
  5. Image naming rules

    1. Currently, when you upload an image to the site, the Title field automatically shows the name of the corresponding file on your computer. It should be replaced with the name for the image.
    2. The names of images are given in the national language of the country where the image was taken or in English. The national status of the territory is determined at the time the image is uploaded or at the time the image is created. It is permissible to name images on the former territories of the USSR in Russian.
    3. The names shall be written in lower case letters. Capital letters are used in cases stipulated by the rules of the respective language.
    4. The names are written according to the rules of modern orthography.
    5. The title of the image is the title of the page, no full stop is needed at the end of the title.
    6. The title of the image should preferably be brief, no more than 120 characters. It is logical to place long descriptions and lists of the objects shown in the image in the description field.
    7. Date of photography is not included in the title. The years of photography are indicated in the appropriate field, more precise date can be specified in the description to the image
    8. Regions defined automatically by the system are not indicated in the name of the image. The city name is indicated if it was different at the time of shooting than it is now.
    9. Names like: "My backyard", "I am near my house" are unacceptable. Also unacceptable are vulgar place names such as "Old Smoke", "The Valleys", etc. Such informal names, if desired, should be mentioned in the description.
    10. Names of streets and other objects should be given as of the date of image. It is permissible to give the current name in parentheses if it differs from the previous one. In cases where the year of the photo is unknown, and the name was changed within the supposed period, write both names, e.g. for a photo taken between 1930 and 1940: College Road (Eton College Road).
    11. Do not disregard author titles, of course, if they
      • are known;
      • are not indecent;
      • do not contain obvious errors and do not contradict the historical truth.
  6. Indication of sources

    1. The site administration is very interested in the fact that users indicate the source from which the images were borrowed accurately in the appropriate field. In the case where the source is not indicated, or indicated knowingly falsely, and the legal owner of the site presents claims, paragraph 1.16 of these Rules comes into force. A dishonest attitude towards the indication of the source of the image(s) may lead to civil or criminal liability in accordance with the current legislation.
  7. Requirements for nicknames and profile pictures (avatars)

    1. The user has the right to register under his/her real name or choose a nickname or pseudonym which he/she will use for communication.
    2. The nickname must not be:
      1. Contain words, expressions, combinations of letters that are obviously interpreted as swearing, insults or profanity;
      2. Be similar to the nicknames of administrators and moderators to the extent that other users would be misled.
    3. Usernames must not contain obscene (indecent) images that offend public morals and are contrary to generally accepted standards of morality. In case of failure to comply with these requirements, the site administration reserves the right to block the user's account before making changes to the nickname and/or the username.
  8. Recommendations on editing uploaded photos (not obligatory, but desirable)

    1. Before uploading any image, it would be a good idea to pass it through a graphic editor (Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, XnView, etc.). In a matter of seconds, the image can be significantly improved by simple actions!
    2. For example, if there are brown spots in a black-and-white photo, they can be easily removed by desaturation.
    3. If the houses in the image "lean" to the right or to the left, it would be useful to align the image vertically.
    4. You can improve "cloudy", faded images by adding contrast and saturation.
    5. Colour photos with distorted colours can be corrected with AutoTone and AutoColor.
    6. If an image is clearly flipped, it can be corrected using the "flip horizontal" function.
    7. You can also raise the sharpness slightly.
    8. Pre-processing is welcome if the original b/w photo is actually green-white, yellow-white or red-white.
    9. All of these manipulations can be mastered in one evening, and the end result is that you can improve your images not only for PastVu, but also just for own use!
    10. As a word of caution: don't get carried away with improvement, remember: the best is the enemy of the good! One more thing: this paragraph contains RECOMMENDATIONS, is it not binding.